"Everything Burrito" by Misty Manley
"Megamatical" by Daniel Bressette
"Adventure Time" by Dave Perillo
"Megamatical" by Daniel Bressette
"Adventure Time" by Dave Perillo
(Click for full-size)
"Quite The View" by Nick Robalik
(Click for full-size)
"Pip-Boy Munny Template" by Hector Hoyo
"Scruffy For Atari" by Ron Workman
"A Game of Ice & Fire II" (t-shirt) by Drew Wise
"Inception" by Penney Design
"Hunger Retro Game" by Drew Wise
"ConfederVania II: Abraham's Quest" by Timothy Lim
These have been piling up for a while, which is why there are two entries from Drew Wise in the mix. The Flight of the Conchords game seen above is NOT imaginary, as someone has elected to make an entire 8-bit game based on the adventure of Bret and Jemaine. And that last entry is, of course, inspired by Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
Also, I would play all of these games. In fact, I'm playing one of them right now.
"Level 6 Magical Cereal" (t-shirt) by Crystal Fontan
"Theatre In Spacetime" by Karen Hallion
"Femme Fatale Hunter" (t-shirt) by Adam Works
(Click for full-size)
"SR388 Metroid Cycle" by Manuel Samolo Molohua
"Jake & Oi"
"Father Callahan"
"Alain & Cuthbert"
"Story Of My Bit" (t-shirt) by Adam Works
"Inventory" by Terry Mack
(Click for full-size)
"Super Mario Bros." by Alex Stodolnik
"Super Vintage Mushroom" by Design91
"Journey" by SiOtheCaveman
"Journey" by Leonardo Gutierrez
"Journey" by Michael Bills
"Sandstorm" by Rebecca Gunter
"Journey" by Luisa Rafidi
"Pixellate" by Stuart Down
"Blue Box Bar" by Drew Wise
"Akira" by Andrew Heath
"Neo-Tokyo Capsules" (t-shirt) by SpaceMonkeyDr.
"Street Fighter Kids" by Kei Acedera
"Super Meat Fighter" (t-shirt) by Bamboota and Ninjaink
"Simpler Days" by Jay Roeder
"NES vs. Converse" by Andrew Lockhart
"Tingle's The Rupees of Hyrule Kingdom" by Barrett Biggers
"Triforce Trouble" (t-shirt) by Thomas Ketchen