"Dead Inside" by Joey Spiotto
"Dixon" by Matt Talbot
"The Walking Dead: Season 1" by Par Xav Rubrique
"Dixon" by Matt Talbot
"The Walking Dead: Season 1" by Par Xav Rubrique
"Adopt a Pet Monster" (t-shirt) by Crystal Fontan
"The Bunnisher" (t-shirt) by Mike Handy
The animated series only ran for a year, and wasn't all that memorable. I never had the toy, although I knew kids at school who did (one kid in particular was obsessed with My Pet Monster... He carried his Monster doll with him everywhere, and everyone thought he was crazy.) For all intents and purposes, My Pet Monster had very little impact on my life, and would be totally forgotten except for one incident:
Back in the 80s, renting movies from the video store was a weekly routine in our household. On Fridays, we would order pizza and my parents would leave us to watch a couple of movies they'd rented for us in the basement rec room while they went out to dinner or just generally enjoyed a child-free evening. On this particular occasion, my dad (who should have known better, but then again, had a history of doing things like this), asked the clerk at the video store for a kid-friendly recommendation. The clerk suggested the live-action My Pet Monster movie, which had just been released and would have been, for all intents and purposes, a fine choice for a bunch of boys aged five to eight to watch unaccompanied. However, when my dad went to retrieve the movie from the shelf, he instead grabbed Monster in the Closet, a Troma comedy-horror film which, despite being rated PG, contained nudity, a dead dog nailed to the inside of a closet door, and multiple murders. As an adult, I can appreciate it for what it is: a very low-budget, cheesy, self-aware horror movie, designed to poke fun at B-movie horror cliches (which it accomplishes relatively well). As an eight-year-old, however, I was UTTERLY TRAUMATIZED.
Somehow, maybe because I was expecting My Pet Monster and didn't quite understand that my father had rented the wrong movie, my child brain mixed up this movie with all things My Pet Monster. I told the kids at school that there was a legendary, live-action My Pet Monster movie that involved a dead dog nailed to a door, boobs, and actual people being killed. It turned into this epic urban legend on the playground, joining the "Cabbage Patch death certificate" rumor and "Mikey from the Life cereal commercial ate Pop Rocks and Coke at the same time and his stomach exploded!" It was just one of those things that kids accept wholeheartedly and pass along, and because my descriptions were so vivid, I guess there was a veracity to the whole thing that was convincing.
Anyway, I later saw the actual My Pet Monster movie. It was pretty bad, although it did feature a statue of the Monster coming to life, so that was pretty cool. I still wouldn't recommend it.
"Halloween Town" (t-shirt) by Jack To The Future
"Jack Skellington Kid" by Andy Fairhurst
"The Regulars" by Arturo Liceaga
"The Immortal" by Adam Rufino
"Poe v. Lovecraft" by Alan Bao
"Mountains of Madness" (t-shirt) by BazNet
"Burton Pole" (t-shirt) by Nik Holmes
"Medieval Dead" (t-shirt) by BluesWade
"GlaDOS" by Kat Rocha
"Mrs. Potato GlaDOS" by MeleeNinja
"Welcome To The Other Side" (t-shirt) by kgullholmen
"Pyramid Glyph" (t-shirt) by BazNet
"Powerpuff Jaegers" (t-shirt) by Dann Matthews
"Tipsy Danger" (t-shirt) by Adam Howlett
(Click any image for full-size)
"The Marshmallow Terror" by Manny Peters
"Vigo Kong" (t-shirt) by Mike Handy
"Space Holiday" (t-shirt) by Teo Zirinis
"Prometheyums" (t-shirt) by Andrew Bargeron
"Infinite Adventure" (t-shirt) by Karen Hallion
"Time Lord Infinite" (t-shirt) by Magmata Studios
"BMO Is Awesome!" by Le Roi Monstre
"Adventure Totem" by Daniel Mackey
BONUS!: Close-up of Lucas Franci's Fionna and Ice Queen game, as seen in the first piece.