"The Walking Dead Poster" by Andy Helms

"Typographic Poster For The Walking Dead" by Gabriel Marques

"It's Walking Dead Time!" by Robert Barnett
Dang you guys, I love The Walking Dead. I don't care what all the haters are saying, about how the pacing is off, how there's too much talking about feelings and not enough zombie-killing action, and how Lori is an idiot. I will confess that Lori is an idiot because man who could argue that, but as far as adaptations of comic books go, it's pretty damn near perfection in my eyes. I can't wait for Michonne to show up and really up the bad-ass ante of the series.
Before the first season aired, I came across these fan-made introductory titles, by one Daniel Kanemoto. While I've definitely warmed up to the title sequence that ended up on the show, I'm still pretty fond of these. Check 'em out!
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