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"Destroy The Robot Masters" \ "Defeat The Robot Masters" by NinjaInk
"MegaMan Tribute" by Mark Hansen
"Mega Lawn Care" (t-shirt) by Hudson Design
"MegaMan Tribute" by Mark Hansen
"Mega Lawn Care" (t-shirt) by Hudson Design
"It's Transforming Time!" by NinjaInk
"All-Terrain Adventure Transport" (t-shirt) by Derin Clier
"Cthulhu" by PixelBlock
"Silly Nameless Terror" (t-shirt) by 6DollarShirts
"Dapper Cthulhu" by kbakonyi
"HP Lovecraft" by Meghan Murphy
"The Cluck of Cthulhu" (t-shirt) by Midgerock
"Amaterasu" by Royal Puffin
"Okami: Amaterasu" by Lisa Rye
"Welcome Back, My Old Friend" by Kioshi Shimabuku
"Invincible" by Heather Doyle
"Pacman" by Matthew Reid
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"It's Simple" (1920x1080 wallpaper), Artist Unknown
"Kingdom Hearts: Sora" by dtconanjw
"Kingdom Hearts II: Nobody Is Here" by FireCouch
"Gallifrey Timelords" (t-shirt) by Tom Kurzanski
"Lords of Time" (t-shirt) by Scott Derby
"Game of Thrones Minimalist Poster" by Barbeanicolas
"Go, Wander, Go!" by Luiz Felipe2
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"My Little Colossus" by Blondeyetti3
"Shadow of the Patapon" by Vitor Caneco4
"SOTC" by Maitaboris
"Shadow of the Munny" by Matthew Ellison5
"Bioshock Poster (WIP)" by Flayd
"My Heart Belongs To Daddy" (t-shirt) by Adho1982
"Jurassic President, Episode 16: High Score and Seven Years Ago"
"Jurassic President, Episode 26: Stalin For Time"
I also dig how Stalin's videogame avatar looks like Mario.
"Smells Like Nirvana" by Dave Perillo
"Than Thou Art" by Adam Hanson
"Spatula City" by Gimetzco
"Another One Rides The Bus" by Joshua Budich
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"Weird Alvolution" by Miranda Dressler
With the exception of Spatula City, these were all featured in Gallery1988's "Is This Thing On? 2" comedy retrospective exhibit. Check out the link for more.
ps. How great is Weird Al? That man is a stone-cold genius. Future historians will look back on him as one of the most important artists of the era. Mark my words!
Really cool video by Tim Hijlkema. How many can you identify? Check the Youtube page for the video for a full list of included games.
"Long Fall Boots" by Jared Sellers
"I'm Different" by DigitalDuckie